What is TokensFarm?
Exploring the Benefits of TokensFarm's Products
Tough call? Learn how TokensFarm's Staking Farms, Perpetual Farms, LP Farms & Multichain Vesting Contracts can work for you. Explore the benefits of each to decide! Staking Farms 🚜 Offers users the chance to reward themselves for staking their tokens for a fixed period. The token reward is the same token as the token staked, and the APY is dynamic. This type of farming reduces the circulating supply of the token, encourages increased enthusiasm within a token’s community, and canFew readersWarm Up & Cool Down
Warm Up and Cool Down Overview Warm Up and Cool Down both involve a pre-set waiting period before Farmers can receive rewards or withdraw their staked tokens. What is Warm Up? 🔥 The Warm-Up feature is a pre-set waiting period from when a farmer stakes tokens until they start earning APY. The rewards are automatically added to the farmer’s staked balance once the set number of warm-up days is over. What is Cool Down? ❄️ The Cool-Down feature is a pre-determined waiting period before aFew readersFarm Score
Understanding Farm Scores at TokensFarm Understanding the Metrics Behind Farm Scores: Engagement Metrics The system evaluates the number of addresses associated with each farm, coFew readersWhat are LP Farms?
What are LP Farms? LP Farms are staking farms for liquidity pool tokens. Participants who provide liquidity on a DEX receive LP tokens representing their stake in the liquidity pool. These LP tokens are staked on an LP farm on TokensFarm in exchange for rewards. What are the rewards of LP Farms? The rewards are selected and provided by the crypto project which launched the farm and usually take the form of one of the tokens within the LP pair, although a project can reward farmers withFew readersWhat are Staking Farms?
Introduction to Staking Farms Staking Farms are a popular type of farm available at TokensFarm, they allow crypto projects to reward their community for holding their token. TokensFarm supports all major EVM chains, so nearly all tokens can deploy a farm. Participants from the community can choose to stake their tokens on a farm for a fixed period and receive token rewards. Benefits of Staking Farms Overall, Staking Farms offers a variety of benefits to both the project and its communitFew readersWhat Are Perpetual Staking Farms?
What Are Perpetual Staking Farms? Perpetual Staking Farms offer a unique staking experience with an indefinite staking period, providing users with a steady flow of rewards and the potential to benefit from the appreciation of their tokens in the market. Advantages of Perpetual Staking Farms: Perpetual staking farms allow users to commit to a long-term investment strategy and earn rewards without having to worry about a set duration or expiry date. Staking Rewards and AppreciaFew readersTokensFarm’s Products and Features Explained
What is TokensFarm? Established in 2021 by DcentraLab, TokensFarm stands as an innovator in the DeFi landscape, offering Farms-as-a-Service that are both versatile and accessible. TokensFarm is blockchain agnostic, supporting nearly all EVM chains and DEXs. This cross-chain compatibility ensures that projects can reach a broader audience and tap into diverse liquidity pools across various blockchain ecosystems. TokensFarm's easy-to-use interface means that projects don't need coding expertFew readersWhat Are Multi-chain Vesting Contracts?
Introduction to Multichain Vesting Contracts Multichain vesting contracts are a way to release the tokens belonging to either a project’s team or early investors. These contracts are managed by multichain technology, which gives them the flexibility to be adapted to a crypto project’s needs. There are three types of vesting contracts available: ongoing, custom, and airdrop. Types of Vesting Contracts Ongoing Vesting Contract is whenFew readers