Warm Up & Cool Down
Warm Up and Cool Down Overview
Warm Up and Cool Down both involve a pre-set waiting period before Farmers can receive rewards or withdraw their staked tokens.
What is Warm Up? 🔥
The Warm-Up feature is a pre-set waiting period from when a farmer stakes tokens until they start earning APY. The rewards are automatically added to the farmer’s staked balance once the set number of warm-up days is over.
What is Cool Down? ❄️
The Cool-Down feature is a pre-determined waiting period before a farmer can receive their staked tokens and earned rewards after requesting a withdrawal. This process consists of two steps: Activating the withdrawal request, which can be done at any time, and the actual release of the tokens which will occur after the cool-down period has ended.
Learn More ==> https://about.tokensfarm.com/blog/how-warm-up-cool-down-periods-benefit-lp-and-staking-farms
Updated on: 25/12/2023
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